Hanna Stotland visits nearly three dozen campuses every year to learn about academics, admission, and student life in person. In the last 3 years, she has visited over 100 campuses in more than 25 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, and Europe. When Hanna helps you decide where to visit and apply, she can draw on recent, direct observation in order to advise you better.
At every campus, Hanna starts with the same experiences families get: a tour of academic buildings and student spaces, an admissions information session, and a walk around town. She also has a private meeting with an admission counselor to talk about her students and their unique needs. Whenever possible, she eats a meal in a college dining hall to observe the students in their natural habitat and try the food you might be living on for four years. She has slept in the dorms at the University of Montana and attended class at Yale. She’s been to schools as large as Ohio State and as small as Hampshire College; as rural as Wabash College and as urban as American University of Paris; as famous as Harvard and as locally focused as Southeastern Oklahoma State. She’s even been known to take in a football game.